What I did this week to prepare for Easter

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Easter is next week. If you are in creative arts ministry you know that already. You probably have at least a mental list of tasks that will occupy your time next week as the weekend approaches.

Me too! But over the years I’ve learned to create space for myself the week before a major service like Easter. I know urgent matters will spring up that will require my time- the set design may take longer than I anticipated, or my pro presenter playlist might get accidentally erased and we will have to re-create it. Really though, it’s the crazy things I CAN’T THINK OF that I hedge my bets against. Because as sure as Jesus from the tomb, they will arise ;)

So, here is what I did this week to create that space:

  1. emailed participants. I sent an email to band, singers, tech and speakers, explaining details, going through the rehearsal schedule, doubling down on lighting cues for specific moments, working through transitions with the producer and video switcher. Sure I could tell everyone these things on Wednesday at rehearsal, but now they know and can work through the implications, and be ready to make tweaks or ask questions.

  2. Prepared service documents. We have two kinds of service orders, one for general use and one for tech. I entered the details so they are ready to print. I prepared the stage plot, and the script for our video announcements and stage announcements. This is usually a Monday task for me, now that time is freed up for troubleshooting whatever comes up.

  3. Checked through charts, mp3s and click tracks. I would rather deal with mistakes or missing files right now, rather than in rehearsal.

  4. Preordered food for set build. I could make an order on Sunday afternoon when the team is building the set, but most places now give you the option of ordering in advance. I used Jimmy Johns, the order is placed, now I don’t have to stop and do that in the middle of the build.

  5. Looked ahead. I spent some time looking past Easter to the next series. Normally I’d spend some time next week working on upcoming services, but I just want to concentrate on Easter, so I did that stuff this week instead. We had the next series planned a few weeks ago, but I locked in some details, got some videos ready, tweaked the schedule for the worship leaders, etc.

In my mind I see myself swiping papers and clutter off a desk. The desk is next week, the clutter is everything I did this week to clear the space. Feels good, and helps me relax. And now I’m ready for the emergencies…bring it on!

Hope you have a fantastic Easter as we celebrate the Risen Jesus! JIM

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